Mondo Triathlon Daddo FCZ #ioTRIamo

Vanessa Fernandes si ferma

La campionessa portoghese Vanessa Fernandes ha annunciato che per via di problemi fisici è costretta ad interrompere la sua carriera.

Fernandes a soli 26 anni è riuscita a vincere 21 gare di ITU World Cup titles, la medaglia d’argento alle Olimpiadi di Pechino, il Mondiale di triathlon del 2007 e 10 titoli europei.

Di seguito il messaggio che Vanessa Fernandes ha inviato al presidente del Comitato Olimpico Portoghese Vicente Moura e al presidente della Portuguese Triathlon Federation José Luis Ferreira.

“There are moments in life when we must face choices that are difficult, and sometimes it is tough to escape them. This has always been part of life, and despite the anguish I feel in making this decision, I think is the best way to preserve the past and the dedication to the National Triathlon Federation and Portugal.

For health reasons I have stopped in recent months to devote myself to the sport that I embraced and that gave me so much joy. I want to inform you of my intention to temporarily take a break from the sport. This does not mean I am totally abandoning (triathlon), it is only a temporary interruption that will allow me shortly to return in full.

I hope you understand my reasons and understand the difficulties of the moment I currently live with. I know I’ll get back and that this phase represents only a short break in my sporting career. I count on your support,

Vanessa Fernandes”

L’augurio è di rivedere presto Vanessa sui campi di gara, più forte di prima!

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