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Poker d’assi al TriStar111 Mallorca

Parata di stelle al TriStar111 Mallorca che si disputerà domenica 17 aprile a Portolocom, sulle distanze di 1 km di nuoto, 100 km di bici e 10 km di corsa.

Al via, tra gli altri, anche (da sinistra) un poker d’assi composto da Marcel Zamora, Normann Stadler, Olivier Marceau e Chris McCormack.

Di seguito le loro dichiarazioni nella conferenza stampa.

Chris McCormack
“I thought I wanted to win all TriStar races that I am doing this year… until I saw the start list, which is incredible for this weekend. The long ride makes it a hard day as you cannot relax on the bike. My fitness is definitely good for this time of the year and I am looking forward to pushing it here in Mallorca. I find the distances very tough because you get off the bike more tired than in other race formats.”

Normann Stadler
“I have been to Mallorca more than 40 times in the past 20 years, so I know the island quite a bit. TriStar Mallorca is my first race this year, and I am looking forward to it. I like the short swim and the long bike, but I also know that the run will be hard.”

Marcel Zamora
“I am happy to compete with the world champs here. While both Macca and Norman won Hawaii twice, I was successful in Portocolom triathlon twice (laughing). I think the move to the TriStar format already made and will make the race in Portocolom more international over the coming years. TriStar Mallorca is definitely one of th hardest races of the circuit.”

Olivier Marceau
“I like the TriStar111 distance, it will be a good training and exciting with such a great field. The race course is just great with the nice cycling and the beautiful run course. I look forward to Sunday.”

Ain-Alar Juhanson
“It’s my first time in Mallorca, and my second in a TriStar race. The format is fun and recovery is quick. The start list is exceptional and it will be very interesting to see how the race unfolds on Sunday.”


Jaume Vicens, race director
“It’s a pleasure to see the Portocolom Triathlon grow into an international event and I am overwhelmed with the startlist this year.”

Gabriel TAULER, mayor of Felanitx and relay participant (runner)
“This race is possible thanks to the support of many local hands. To have such great champions of the sport of triathlon here is an honour, and we’re looking forward t welcoming you back in Portocolom year after year.”

Felipe Martin, counsellor of Felanitx:
“Thank you for the organizers and the athletes for participating in TriStar Mallorca, which is a very important event for Portocolom and the region.”

Antonio NADAL, representative of the Counsel of the island of Mallorca
“Welcome to Mallorca, a paradise for sports, where you hopefully enjoy your race and a couple of relaxing days.”


Photo (free to use) ©tinefoto.comMarcel Zamora, Norman Stadler, Olivier Marceau and Chris McCormack in Portocolom

TriStar Mallorca
TriStar111 and TriStar55.5 on 17 April 2011
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