Chrissie Wellington centra il poker all'Ironman Hawaii 2011

Chrissie Wellington centra il poker all’Ironman Hawaii 2011

Dopo essersi presa un anno sabbatico, Chrissie Wellington, quattro volte vincitrice dell’Ironman Hawaii, ha annunciato dalle pagine del suo sito la decisione di ritirarsi definitivamente dalle competizioni.

La britannica si è detta grata per quel che ha vissuto da atleta: ha visto posti magnifici, ha gareggiato con le migliori, ha stretto amicizie bellissime e a ottobre del 2011 ha messo la ciliegina sulla torta, correndo la gara perfetta, l’Ironman World Championship 2011.

Di seguito la sua dichiarazione (sul suo sito si può leggere quella completa).

My passion for the sport hasn’t waned, but my passion for new experiences and new challenges is what is now burning the most brightly. Hence, I have got to the point where I know that it is right for me to retire from professional ironman distance racing. Needless to say this decision has not come easy, but deep in my heart I know it is the right thing for me to do. My future will, of course, involve sport and triathlon – but it will no longer be the axis around which my entire life revolves.
In the past year, since I won the World Ironman Championships, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being able to dedicate myself to other aspects of my life, including charity work, public speaking, policy development, and of course publishing and promoting my autobiography, ‘A Life Without Limits’. I will keep everyone updated on my future plans via my website and twitter.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank every single person that has been part of my ironman journey, and wish you all the very best for the 2013 season and beyond.


Fonte: sito ufficiale Chrissie Wellington