Mondo Triathlon Daddo FCZ #ioTRIamo

Oscar del Triathlon Australia a Pete Jacobs ed Erin Densham

Erin Densham

Erin Densham

Ai Triathlon Australia’s Champions Awards Night hanno trionfato il vincitore del Mondiale Ironman di Kona dello scorso ottobre, Pete Jacobs, e la medaglia di bronzo di Londra 2012, Erin Densham.

Il grande campione Brad Beven, detto “The Croc”, è stato inserito nel Triathlon Australia Hall of Fame, andando a far compagnia ad altri mostri sacri del triathlon australiano e mondiale, del calibro di Greg Welch, Miles Stewart, Michellie Jones, Jackie Gallagher, Loretta Harrop ed Emma Carney.

Sono stati celebrati inoltre i 5 iridati del 2012, ovvero:
Pete Jacobs – 2012 Ironman
Bill Chaffey – 2012 ITU Paratriathlon
Chris McCormack – 2012 ITU Long Distance
Aaron Royle – 2012 ITU U23 and;
Felicity Sheedy-Ryan – 2012 ITU Duathlon

Questo il messaggio di Pete Jacobs, assente alla serata perché impegnato in una gara negli Stati Uniti: “My apologies for not being able to attend the night and I am deeply humbled to be recognised by Triathlon Australia and also to be named the Male Performer of the Year from such an amazing field. I knew I had to work as hard as I could to reach my goal of winning in Hawaii and I was so pleased that all that hard work payed off in the end. It has been an amazing ride and I still have to pinch myself to realise that I’m not dreaming and I really did win that race. I have to thank everyone at Triathlon Australia and all the triathletes, particularly guys like Macca and Crowie – who are absolutely amazing athletes and to be recognised alongside them is something I will hold close to my heart forever. To everyone there tonight have a great night’s celebration and I hope to catch up with you all real soon”.

Densham non solo è stata nominata “Best Female Performer” per la sua gara alle Olimpiadi, ma anche Athlete’s Athlete of the Year, battendo la concorrenza di Mirinda Carfrae, Felicity Sheedy-Ryan, Ashleigh Gentle, Pete Jacobs, Chris McCormack, Craig Alexander, Bill Chaffey e Aaron Royle.

Di seguito la lista completa degli atleti premiati alla serata.


2012 Elite World Champions
Bill Chaffey – 2012 ITU Paratriathlon
Chris McCormack – 2012 ITU Long Distance
Aaron Royle – 2012 ITU U23
Felicity Sheedy-Ryan – 2012 ITU Duathlon
Pete Jacobs – 2012 Ironman World Champion

John Ison Award for Technical Official of the Year: John Treloar (VIC).
Age Group Coach of the Year: Matthew Dymond (Coogee Triathlon Club, NSW).
Service to the Sport Award: Long time Race Directors, Garth Prowd and David Hansen are the inaugural winners of this new award.
Triathlon Australia Life membership: Brian Hinton.
Chris Hewitt Emerging athlete award: Aaron Royle (NSW): 1st U23 ITU World Championships & 3rd ITU Oceania Championships & 11th Stockholm ITU World Triathlon Series
Female performance of the year Award: Erin Densham (NSW) – 3rd London Olympics & 1st Sydney ITU World Triathlon Series.
Male performance of the year Award: Pete Jacobs – 1st Hawaii Ironman World Championships
Athlete’s athlete of the year award: Erin Densham

Dopo il grande successo della prima edizione, è stata intanto annunciata la data degli Oscar del Triathlon – Fantatriatleta 2013: la serata di gala è fissata per lunedì 24 febbraio.

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