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Renata Bucher e Dan Hugo vincono l’XTERRA Philippines

La svizzera Renata Bucher vince l'XTERRA Philippines 2014

La svizzera Renata Bucher vince l’XTERRA Philippines 2014

Sabato 15 marzo a Cebu si è corsa la quarta edizione dell’XTERRA Philippines, seconda delle 8 tappe dell’XTERRA Asia-Pacific Tour.

In campo maschile, netto successo per il sudafricano Dan Hugo che s’invola in mtb e vince davanti al connazionale Brad Weiss.

A completare il podio, l’australiano Ben Allen, che ha avuto parecchio da fare con diverse forature sulle ruote grasse, ma che ha caparbiamente terminato la sua prova.

In campo femminile, vittoria della svizzera Renata Bucher: la campionessa elvetica, seconda sette giorni prima nell’XTERRA Motatapu in Nuova Zelanda, si impone precedendo la storica rivale, l’austriaca Carina Wasle, anche lei veterana del circuito.

La terza posizione è conquistata dalla giapponese Mieko Carey che raggiunge e supera la britannica Jacqui Slack nei 10K finali, in cui fa segnare il secondo split di giornata.




Year Men Women
2011 Sam Gardner Shonny Vanlandingham
2012 Ben Allen Renata Bucher
2013 Ben Allen Lesley Paterson
2014 Dan Hugo Renata Bucher



The XTERRA Philippines Championship was the third of 37 events where the fastest amateur athletes from around the globe could qualify to race at the 19th annual XTERRA World Championship at Kapalua, Maui on October 26, 2014. Up next, more exotic locales with XTERRA Guam, Great Ocean Road in Australia, and Costa Rica on March 29 & 30.

Date Race Location
23-Feb XTERRA South Africa Grabouw, Western Cape
8-Mar XTERRA Motatapu South Island, New Zealand
15-Mar XTERRA Philippines Championship Cebu
29-Mar XTERRA Guam Championship Piti
30-Mar XTERRA Great Ocean Road Angelsea, Victoria, Australia
30-Mar XTERRA Costa Rica Playa Reserve Conchal
5-Apr XTERRA Saipan Championship Northern Marianas
12-Apr XTERRA New Zealand Championship Rotorua
13-Apr XTERRA West Championship Lake Las Vegas, Nevada
26-Apr XTERRA Asia-Pacific Championship Jervis Bay, New South Wales, Australia
3-May XTERRA Malaysia Putrajaya
17-May XTERRA Southeast Championship Pelham, Alabama
24-May XTERRA Mauritius Bois Cheri
25-May XTERRA Spain Championship Cieza, Murcia
1-Jun XTERRA Portugal Golega
8-Jun XTERRA Brazil Championship Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
15-Jun XTERRA East Championship Richmond, Virginia
21-Jun XTERRA Greece Lake Plastira
28-Jun XTERRA Switzerland Championship Vallee de Joux
29-Jun XTERRA Norway Horten
5-Jul XTERRA Ontario – Canadian Cross Tri Championship Milton, Ontario, Canada
6-Jul XTERRA France Championship Xonrupt, Gerardmer
6-Jul XTERRA Victoria British Columbia, Canada
6-Jul XTERRA Freedom Fest Kualoa Ranch, Oahu, Hawaii
13-Jul XTERRA Sweden Hellasgaarten
19-Jul XTERRA Mountain Championship Beaver Creek Resort, Avon, Colorado
20-Jul XTERRA Ireland Killaloe, County Clare
26-Jul XTERRA Italy Championship Abruzzo, Scanno
2-Aug XTERRA Mexico Championship Tapalpa, Jalisco
9-Aug XTERRA Czech Championship Prachatice
16-Aug XTERRA Germany Championship Zittau
17-Aug XTERRA Canmore Alberta, Canada
24-Aug XTERRA England Cranleigh, Surrey
31-Aug XTERRA Denmark Tisvilde
31-Aug XTERRA Quebec Lac Delage, Quebec, Canada
7-Sep XTERRA Sleeping Giant Thundery Bay, Ontario, Canada
20-Sep XTERRA USA Championship Ogden/Snowbasin, UT
26-Oct XTERRA World Championship Maui, Hawaii


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