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Challenge Bahrain shock: arriva la “Triple Crown” da $1.000.000!

His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa al traguardo del suo Challenge Bahrain, terminato al 59° posto assoluto (Foto: Charlie Crowhurst/Getty Images)

His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa al traguardo del suo Challenge Bahrain, terminato al 59° posto assoluto (Foto: Charlie Crowhurst/Getty Images)

Dopo aver assegnato un montepremi di 500.000 dollari, al Challenge Bahrain Awards Ceremony His Highness Sheikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa ha annunciato per il 2015 la serie “Triple Crown”…

Si tratta di un circuito di gare di triathlon 113, ovviamente sotto l’egida Challenge, che culmineranno nella finale del 5 dicembre 2015, il 2° Challenge Bahrain.

Le altre due gare saranno il Challenge Dubai del 27 febbraio 2015 e il Challenge Oman (data da definire), ma la particolarità della “Triple Crown” riguarda il montepremi: 1 milione di dollari!

His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa (President of The Supreme Council for Youth and Sports)
«We have always been committed to host world-class sport events in The Kingdom of Bahrain and now we can extend this to our neighbours in Oman and Dubai. Each race will provide our youth and sports communities the opportunity to experience what the world has to offer at their arms reach. Now is time to support one of the fastest growing sport in the world, triathlon. With open arms, we look forward to welcoming you to the Kingdoms of Bahrain, Oman and Dubai.»

Zibi Szlufcik (Challenge Family CEO)
«The Triple Crown is changing completely the perception of triathlon on a global scale. It’s a game changer for the sport, taking it to a whole new level. Plus it is providing Challenge Family opportunity to grow the sport in line with our core values and providing pro athletes as well as age groupers with an amazing structure throughout the whole year, leading to a grand final in Bahrain.»

The Challenge Family series of triathlons now features 44 full and half distance races around the world, including the world’s largest long distance triathlon – Challenge Roth in Germany. The birthplace of the Challenge Family, Challenge Roth now features over 5,500 athletes and 220,000 spectators and home to both world records held by Andreas Raelert (GER) and Chrissie Wellington (GBR). Since 2002, races throughout Europe, UK, Australasia, Asia, North America and South America have joined Roth. Together they provide athletes with a new experience of long distance racing with a strong focus on athlete and spectator experience, giving back to the community while respecting the legacy of sport and being committed to its continued growth. For further information on Challenge Family visit

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