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Indonesia hosts TOs’ Seminars to prepare for 2018 Asian Games

ITU and ASTC held simultaneously the ITU Level 1 TOs Seminar and Community Level TOs seminar on November 25-26 at the Mayor’s Office in Pariaman, Indonesia. ITU Facilitators, David Hoong from Singapore and Melody Tan from Malaysia, trained over 30 TO candidates from all over Indonesia with participants from Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore. To support and prepare the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games, ITU and ASTC decided to take the initiative to start educating Indonesian technical officials.

David Hoong expressed that he’d like to thank the participants who has shown their eagerness to learn triathlon by asking practical questions during the course. Also he is certain that ITU and ASTC need to provide more opportunities for Indonesian TOs to learning more from officiating in the diverse ITU events. Their officiating experiences will result in the success of 2018 Asian Games.

“By following this class, I feel lucky because I understand more about triathlon. Now I can implement the ITU rules from what I have learnt throughout the seminar in my future races. I really appreciate David Hoong who explained to us very clearly and early.” said Husnul Fuad

“The participants were all eager to head back to their respective regions to organize community triathlon events to promote triathlon.” said Melody Tan, ITU Facilitator. Most participants were eager to officiate for their first time at the upcoming 2015 Pariaman ASTC Sprint Triathlon Asian Cup over the weekend with Elite races on Saturday and Age group races on Sunday.

Kaunang Noldy who travelled over 2000km from Bunaken to attend this course said, “I have learnt a lot from this community seminar and am now confident to organize a small triathlon event using the manual timing I learned.”

“I am really satisfied with both seminars as our participants learned a lot from both ITU Facilitators. We hope to host another 2 seminars next year in Pariaman and Balitong as we hope to host another 2 triathlon events next year.” said Mark Sungkar, President of Federal Triathlon of Indonesia.

Next ASTC-ITU Development project is the Amman ITU Level 1 Coaching Seminar from December 1st to 5th.

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