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Alistair Browlee premiato ai British Triathlon Awards

Alistair Brownlee è stato eletto triatleta dell'anno 2016 ai British Triathlon Awards

Al Royal Armouries International di Leeds si sono svolti sabato 12 novembre i “British Triathlon Awards” che hanno premiato le eccellenze della triplice di Sua Maestà.

Come atleta dell’anno, ha trionfato a mani basse il campionissimo Alistair Brownlee, capace ai Giochi di Rio 2016 di mettersi al collo la seconda medaglia d’oro dopo il successo d London 2012.

«This year was all about the Olympic Games, so to achieve that goal was fantastic – and this award is just the cherry on the cake. It’s the end of a very tough four years and it was always in my head to have a decent bit of time off now. I’m not thinking too much into the future, but just enjoying the achievements before I get back to doing what I love in the new year – training.»
– Alistair Brownlee

Tra le donne, successo nella categoria “British Triathlon Female Elite Triathlete of the Year” per Vicky Holland, medaglia di bronzo alle Olimpiadi brasiliane davanti alla connazionale e migliore amica Non Stanford.

Di seguito la lista completa dei premiati nelle diverse categorie.

Ricordiamo che il prossimo 28 gennaio si celebrerà a Milano, all’Auditorium Testori di Palazzo Lombardia, la quinta edizione del Gala del Triathlon.

2016 British Triathlon Awards Winners

Eisberg Female Age Group Triathlete of the Year – Alice Jenkins
Eisberg Male Age Group Triathlete of the Year – Mike Smallwood
Leigh Day & Co. British Triathlon Volunteer of the Year – John Hagemeister
Leigh Day & Co. British Triathlon Official of the Year – Tony Smalley
Leigh Day & Co. British Triathlon Coach of the Year – Billy Mitchell
British Triathlon Female Elite Duathlete of the Year – Emma Pooley
British Triathlon Male Elite Duathlete of the Year – Alex Yee
British Triathlon Event of the Year – Deva Divas Ladies Triathlon
British Triathlon Female Elite Long Distance Triathlete of the Year – Jodie Swallow
British Triathlon Male Elite Long Distance Triathlete of the Year -Tim Don
British Triathlon Female Elite Junior Triathlete of the Year – Sian Rainsley
British Triathlon Male Elite Junior Triathlete of the Year – Sam Dickinson
British Triathlon Female Paratriathlete of the Year – Alison Patrick and Hazel Macleod (Guide)
British Triathlon Male Paratriathlete of the Year – Andy Lewis
British Triathlon Female Elite Triathlete of the Year – Vicky Holland
British Triathlon Male Elite Triathlete of the Year – Alistair Brownlee MBE
Peter Holmes Award for Inspirational Performance in International Competition – Andy Lewis
BOA Olympic Athlete of the Year Award – Alistair Brownlee MBE
British Triathlon Gold Pin Award – Malcolm Brown
British Triathlon Patron Award – Dr Sarah Springman CBE

La britannica Vicky Holland è terza nel triathlon dei Giochi Olimpici di Rio 2016

La britannica Vicky Holland è terza nel triathlon dei Giochi Olimpici di Rio 2016

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