Il 23 aprile 2017 si sono disputati a Paphos e a Danao due tappe del circuito mondiale di cross triathlon marchiato XTERRA.
XTERRA Cyprus era alla sua prima edizione e ha visto trionfare il belga Yeray Luxem, alla sua seconda vittoria della serie dopo la Polonia del 2016; e l’ungherese Brigitta Poor, reduce dal successo a Malta del 2 aprile e vincitrice nella passata stagione dell’XTERRA European Tour Champ.
Nell’isola di Cebu, a Danao, invece, in una giornata caldissima e su un percorso durissimo, si è disputata la 7^ edizione dell’XTERRA Philippines che ha premiato il sudafricano Bradly Weiss (terzo successo di fila qui), stremato al traguardo, che ha chiuso in 3:16:00. Sul podio con lui due kiwi, Sam Osborne e Kieran McPherson.
Tra le donne, inarrestabile Carina Wasle: l’austriaca stravince, porta a tre le vittorie 2017 e a 16 in totale i suoi successi in prove XTERRA; alle sue spalle arrivano l’australiana Penny Slater e la statuninse Jessica Koltz.
1^ edizione
Paphos (Cipro), 23-04-17
Cross Triathlon, 1.5-30-10K
(completa qui)
1 Yeray Luxem, BEL 2:32:14 75 00:17:14 01:36:11 00:37:56
2 Oivind Bjerkseth, NOR 2:35:15 67 00:17:18 01:36:30 00:40:09
3 Thomas Kerner, GER 2:42:04 61 00:17:20 01:45:18 00:38:36
4 Julien Buffe, FRA 2:44:16 56 00:18:40 01:45:04 00:39:46
5 Sebastian Neef, GER 2:45:10 51 00:23:37 01:40:19 00:40:24
6 Francois Carloni, FRA 2:46:08 47 00:17:32 01:43:28 00:44:15
1 Brigitta Poor, HUN 3:02:54 75 00:19:58 01:57:59 00:43:56
2 Morgane Riou, FRA 3:13:19 67 00:20:22 02:08:16 00:43:36
3 Cecila Jessen, SWE 3:23:15 61 00:21:39 02:12:33 00:47:31
4 Daz Parker, GBR 3:33:34 56 00:22:04 02:20:36 00:49:25
5 Marika Wagner, SWE 3:38:48 51 00:23:43 02:19:25 00:54:23
7^ edizione
Danao, Cebu (Filippine), 23-04-17
Cross Triathlon, 1.5-30-10K
(completa qui)
1 Bradley Weiss, RSA 3:16:00 100
2 Sam Osborne, NZL 3:23:33 90
3 Kieran McPherson, NZL 3:34:27 82
4 Ben Allen, AUS 3:44:26 75
5 Will Kelsay, USA 3:50:48 69
1 Carina Wasle, AUT 4:07:49 100
2 Penny Slater, AUS 4:36:21 90
3 Jessica Koltz, USA 5:22:53 82
XTERRA European Tour Elite Standings
Francois Carloni and Brigitta Poor hold the early lead in the XTERRA European Tour standings after the first two of 15 events in this year’s tour. Up next: XTERRA Greece next Sunday!
2017 XTERRA World Championship Qualifying Series Schedule
XTERRA Cyprus was the 12th of 41 events where amateur athletes from around the world could qualify to race at the 22nd annual XTERRA World Championship in Maui on October 29.
* XTERRA European Tour / # XTERRA Pan American Tour / + Asia-Pacific Tour
Silver = Min. $7,500 pro purse & 75-point scale // GOLD = Min $15,000 pro purse & 100-point scale
About TEAM Unlimited/XTERRA
TEAM Unlimited LLC, founded in 1988, is the Hawaii-based television, events, and marketing company that brought off-road triathlon and trail running to the world under the brand name XTERRA. From a one-off race held on the most remote island chain in the world XTERRA evolved into an endurance sports lifestyle with worldwide appeal. Over the past 20 years XTERRA transcended its status as ‘just a race’ to become a bona-fide way of life for thousands of intrepid athletes as well as an emerging brand in the outdoor industry. In 2017 XTERRA will offer more than 200 off-road triathlons and trail running events in 33+ countries worldwide and produce 10 adventure television shows for international distribution. Learn more at