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Vinci una giornata di allenamento con Jan Frodeno!

Jan Frodeno

Jan Frodeno

Meno di una settimana per tentare la fortuna e riuscire a vincere la possibilità di vivere una giornata in Spagna, a Girona, con Re Frodo, il pluri campione del mondo Ironman Jan Frodeno.

In questa pagina tutti i dettagli, di seguito il video e la lettera di presentazione per raccogliere fondi per i progetti della “Frodeno Fun(d)”.

Win an exclusive training day with triathlon star Jan Frodeno!

Dear friends,

you have the unique opportunity to visit me in Spain and spend a unique day with me!

To take part in the sweepstake, you just need to get entries and donate. With your donation you are doing something good, because the proceeds will be transferred to the “FRODENO FUN(D), our charity project in Girona.

The more you donate the higher your chance of winning and the more help we can provide to the disadvantaged kids. This is what we call a “win-win situation”.

To motivate you even more – this is what will await the winner in Girona:

Time frame: Spring 2022

In that case, our motto is: “A lot helps a lot!” Because all proceeds are donated to the kids in need and the winner can get an impression of our projects on site on behalf of all donors.

Many thanks for your great support!

Your Jan and the team of Frodeno Fun(d)

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