Sarà un grande fine settimana quello che si svolgerà presso x-bionic® sphere, a soli 25K da Bratislava (la capitale della Slovacchia) dal 18 al 21 agosto 2022.
PTO ha già annunciato che si svolgerà ancora in quella location la sua Collins Cup, ma il programma sarà reso ancor più partecipato grazie agli eventi World Triathlon.
La federazione internazionale infatti si è accordata con PTO per organizzare tre eventi del World Triathlon Multisport Championships: il Long Distance World Championships, sulle distanze del “triathlon 100” (2K di nuoto, 80K di bici e 18K di corsa); l’Aquabike (2K di nuoto e 80K di bici), aperto solo per Age Group; e l’Aquathlon World Championships con 1K di nuoto e 5K di corsa e titoli in palio per Elite, U23, Junior ed Age Group.
In palio in tutto 100.000 dollari di montepremi Elite: 90.000 per il long distance e 10.000 per l’aquathlon.
“I want to thank all the parties involved in this event. I think partnering with the PTO, x-bionic®sphere and the Challenge Family will result in an event that will be a great spectacle for all the athletes and spectators as well as for the city and the region. Athletes will be able to watch many of the world’s very best long-distance triathletes in action during the weekend. We are all ready to offer all the athletes the best experience possible and to make this an unforgettable event.”
– Marisol Casado, World Triathlon President e membro CIO
“We are excited to welcome World Triathlon and the athletes who’ve qualified for the 2022 World Triathlon Multisport Championships to race alongside the PTO’s flagship event, The Collins Cup. With the inclusion of age group racing to the Collins Cup for the first time giving amateurs the opportunity to meet and race alongside the world’s best PTO professionals from Team Europe, Team US and Team Internationals. The addition of the 2022 World Triathlon Multisport Championships to the event demonstrates the confidence in the organisation of PTO events as well as the fabulous venue that is the x-bionic®sphere. The additional events will add to the festival nature of the event, uniting the sport through celebration of its top athletes and will be watched by millions to help build a wider fan base.”
– Sam Renouf, CEO Professional Triathletes Organisation